1280x800 HD Android

1280x800 HD Android

SmartPad T10 2022 Full HD


They took a perfectly good model (Android) and dumbed it down to the point of it being almost useless.

There is almost nothing good with this thing:
- I can't use the android marketplace to get useful apps
- I can't use google apps (half of what makes Android so powerful)
- I can't use the standard Android navigation to instantly go to another recently used application.. instead I have to use Amazon's merry-go-round of @#$!
-lurking around every corner is an ad trying to get you to buy something from Amazon.

On the plus side,
- video is excellent (just as good as the google nexus)
- sound is excellent
- battery life is pretty decent
- makes buying things from Amazon easier (if that was something that caused you problems otherwise)

I love Amazon, I love the convenience of the site, that they carry/ca source everything. I love their customer service. However, this is pretty easily the worst incarnation of a tablet in recent memory. I got it free from the cable company for signing up... and I'm still pissed-off at the thing for being so crappy.

1280x800 HD
