HD Tablet 1280x800 HD

HD Tablet  1280x800 HD

I'm really struggling with how to review the kindle fire HD. I had my original kindle for almost a year and loved loved loved it. It worked perfectly until one day when it would no longer take a charge. Customer service is amazing and within a few days I had a replacement. I was lucky my and my kindle was still under warranty.

HD Tablet  1280x800 HD

HD Tablet  1280x800 HD


When I received the new kindle device I thought it was weird that the kindle was on when I opened the box. Turns out there was something wrong with a sensor or something. If I turned it on while laying on the table and then picked it up it would turn off. If I turned it on while holding it and set it down, it would turn off. Next day called customer service and they again sent me a new one. I am beginning to think they are trying to skimp out and send me refurbished devices because this one shuts off for no reason. Out of the blue, the screen just goes blank. As long as it is hooked up to a charger it's fine, but that sort of makes the device not portable. Getting frustrated. I'll call them again tomorrow and see what they say, but may just ask for my money back. I hate to do that though because I have a lot of money invested In apps. I don't disappoint easily, but I'm sure getting that way. Maybe three times will be the charm and the next one will work as well as my first one did. Oh, I also noticed this one won't charge when I have it plugged in and playing it. My old one did. Kind of wishing I'd just taken my original one to get a new battery in it.

HD Tablet  1280x800 HD
